Please help! So much pain!

Erin • Blessed with my son 7/22/16 Premie Pride!!
Hey guys I know all of the "could bes" but I'm in so much pain Ive been in tears for two days straight. I am 27w2d and have had SEVERE pelvic pressure and pain since yesterday at 8 am. The pain was so bad it woke me up and has yet to go away. I also keep having contractions high and low in my stomach. The muscle movements are even visible through my skin (no it's not my baby). My son was also flipping all over and I swear I feel like he's moving down. I've also had consistent deep vaginal and rectal pain. The contractions are not coming in patterns but they keep occurring (at least 7 an hour up to 15). I have no fluid except for minor discharge no blood. I can't sit, lay down, or stand without being in horrible pain. If anyone has any ideas please help me. I'm desperate!