My TTC Story

The goal of this post is to be helpful!

My cycles were ALWAYS on time all through high school. I got on the pill when I got married. I was on the pill for about 7 years without any breaks.

Hubby and I began TTC in August 2014. When I went off the pill, I did not get a period for about 4 months. Then my cycles were totally irratic. I had cycles ranging from 34-60 days, and most of my periods were agonizing.

I read a lot online about natural herbs to promote fertility. I began taking: vitex, red raspberry leaf, and maca root. The herbs made my cycles consistently about 34 days long (which they were not previously). However, I still didn't conceive when I should have- even when sex was timed perfectly.

Then I bought a book about fertility. It emphasized the importance of listening to your body tell you when something was wrong. In my case, I had been suffering from depression, which I thought was due to infertility. I was also constantly tired, sleeping around 12 hours a day.

I saw my primary care doctor in May 2015. I told him I was very tired all the time, and it was interfering with my daily life. He did a blood panel and found out that I have hypothyriodism. I began taking synthetic thyroid medicine immediately. Upon my research, Chinese herbs and hypothyroidism have never been studied together. As a result, I stopped all of my fertility herbs.

My fertility book talked about how hypothyroidism affects fertility. I was actually excited to have this diagnosis, because I thought my hypothyriodism was what had been causing my infertility all along. Much to my discouragement, the new medicine did nothing to help my cycles either. They actually got longer (60 days or so apart).

In November 2015, I went to my OBGYN for an annual pap spear. I told my doctor all about my cycle irregularities. I asked her about Clomid. She agreed to allow me the prescription under two conditions: hubby had to have a good supermarket analysis and I had several blood tests done. I got blood samples taken that same day, and she sent me home with a prescription for hubby's supermarket analysis and a specimen cup with directions.

Poor hubby agreed to do the test. He provided his sample at home and I took the sample and written rx to Lab Corp. The lab got his insurance info and his Blue Cross paid it 100%.

My doctor called me a week later and let me know both of our tests were normal! She gave me a prescription to begin a period (which worked FAST). Then I took Clomid from CD 5-9.

My clomid experience:

I took it at night and it did NOT give me any negative side effects at all. I think it was around $15. I took opk's religiously but never got a positive opk. Hubby and I did the baby dance every day (since we knew his sperm was good), and we used Pre-Seed.

I was very discouraged since I never got a positive opk. I even told hubby it wasn't looking like the clomid would work.

I had a dream around CD 22 that I had a positive pregnancy test. Although it was too early to test, that morning I took one. I used a cheap wondfo test from I didn't want to waste my good ept brand tests on this since it was too early. Much to my surprise, it was a very very very faint POSITIVE! I still had my urine sample in a cup, so I stuck my expensive ept test in there! It was very very faint positive as well! <----The cheap wondfo brand showed up BETTER than the expensive ept! I tested every day after and the second line got darker each day!

Hubby and I are expecting our baby boy in September!

My personal theory is that being on birth control for 7 years must have really messed up my body's ability to ovulate on its own.

Listen to your body, and make sure you have a doctor who will listen to you and work with you! It took me 1.5 years to conceive! Don't give up! Your time is coming! Baby dust! 💖