Intro and rules... Please read!


Welcome! This is a group welcome all ttc couples who have a children from previous relationships as well. Things can get a little sticky with other children and other parents so I thought this would be a great place from everyone to come to.

The rules are probably very similar to pretty much I every other group here but some are probably pretty different too:

🌼 Be nice. Everyone has different opinions but that doesn't give you the right to be a jerk. We're all adults. Talk it out like you're one.

🌼 TMI is welcome but pretty please give a warning and use the TMI filter so we all don't have to look at it.

🌼 Keep that "let me guess your age" stuff out. That seems to happen in every group.

🌼 All step parenting and TTC questions and advice is welcome. Including questions from biological parents about step parenting. Remarried biological parents are totally welcome.

Have fun and thanks for joining us :)