If I sleep through the night, will it decrease my milk supply?

Hi Mommies! I have a question on BF and pumping. 
My 2 month old is taking mostly bottle of breast milk at night. I made my hubby help me with night duty. Should I still be getting up every few hours to pump? Somedays I just need the sleep so bad I want to sleep through. Also on weekends, my in-laws have offered to watch our baby so we can get some sleep which is a HUGE blessing. So again, do I need to get up and pump? I just started this setting of getting help about a week ago. 
I have to admit I've been wanting sleep so bad I've slept through some nights and now think (not sure if it is) that my milk supply has gone down a bit. That is I can go for longer hours without feeling engorged or sore. I figure that is a sign of decrease in supply? Or am I wrong?
However, when I am with my baby which is Sun night through the week nights I am constantly BF him during the day every hour to two hours. I figure that will build my supply back up from the weekends. So far, I think he's been able to eat fine but I do notice he sometimes tugs on my nipples towards the end a lot-- not sure if it's because I ran out of milk and he is mad? He hasn't really done much of this before so I think that is one action I've notice that is different. 
I do try to BF early in the AM starting at 7am when my hubby goes off to work. So Night for me means from about going for about 5 hours stretch at a time on weekdays and about 8 hours stretch without BF or pumping on weekends. 
Can I have some insight if it's a concern for me to continue in this kind of pattern? Will it affect my milk supply?  What happens when your babies sleep through the night? Mine hasn't yet but does it mean you can sleep?
Also, I am going back to work from maternity leave in two weeks so I figure I need to try to pump at least every 3 hours to keep up supply during the day. Is this OK? Is need for pumping for supply different during the day vs night? 
Thank you!