Confused about this cycle

Coco • Im coco im 32 TTC with my fiance my 2 babies were both 24 weeks which ended in stillborn waiting on my 🌈 👶🏽👶🏽
Hello ladies I started testing on cd 10 with Opks and also my clear blue monitor I got my first high fertility on May 26 -June 2 
On June 3-4 I got peak fertility accompanied with egg white cm I baby dance all these days including June 4. Today is June 5 the clear blue monitor was still asking me to test in which I did and it gave me high fertility I checked my cervix it was creamy an hour later I felt very wet it was creamy and egg white another hour back dry I also temp and my temp shot up this morning but glow is saying I'm 10 dpo and fertility friend is saying I'm 1 dpo anyone can help or give me some advice on this