Pregnant and single at 6 months.

I'll be 21 on September 1st and am pregnant with my first  child who will be due on the 22nd of Septemeber. My child's father is 28 turning 29 June 7th. He has many of kids already and unfortunately we are not together. I've had to deal with his baby mamas trying to break us up. Lying to me about things (so he says) that caused me to despise him. Plus one of his child's mothers claims they've been still sleeping together.... I feel betrayed. I've stuck by him through a lot and the month of May is when we finally broke it off. I left, but that always happens, unfortunately or fortunately we didn't get back together. I try seeing him and his kids whom I love so much, but I've haven't seen them in a couple of weeks although I have seen them. He blames all the drama on me and says I should have never fed into the mess with his baby moms, but if you guys would have heard the stuff they were saying how would you not.. He misses doctors appointments allthough he's been there for some. He always has excuses. He does nothing for me now. We may see each other once a weeks or once every two weeks but I stay the night and go home in the morning. I love him. I'm pregnant by him, but he's treated me like shit our whole relationship and we started dating 4/24/15. I feel he is still messing with one of his baby moms who lives in the city he lives in actually I'm almost for sure. (I don't live to far from him. I'm the next city over.) I was staying with him in a house that he got in another chicks name because he can't get anything under his feloned name. But the thoughts of infidelity and throngs that his children's mothers told me and things that his kids accidentally slipped up and told me drove me crazy to where I left. I left May 1st. And now he doesn't want me back living with him. I want to be done with him emotionally. I know that physically I can't smh which is my fault. My parents are church folks and they are great people and they support me and love me through this all and know I deserve better and I know it too but I love this man at times in my head I'd be willing to settle for less. HOWEVER I made a promise to myself yesterday that I wouldn't feed into his bs anymore. If he contacts me and it's not about my daughter then I won't respond. I'm not wishing him a happy birthday. Frankly I plan on not speaking to him unless it's an emergency in regards to my child. And if he doesn't reach out then neither will I. Am I childish? Am I wrong? I've given him everything I had. Savings and all. Any opinions? I mean I'm almost 21 i made a mistake in having a child with someone who has 3 other baby moms and 4 kids. He loves his children and has full custody of two, so I'm not worried about him not providing for my child. I guess I'm more pissed that this baby was planned. And I'm now 6 months pregnant and get no help from him. I thought I found a man who was older and knew what he wanted despite the baggage he came with. Should he be allowed at my delivery although he does nothing for the child while she's in my tummy? What do you guys think?