My Hormones just Skyrocketed

So far I've wondered what hormones women are feeling when they cry during pregnancy. My hormones thus far has been in check or so I thought. Now hang with me because this story gets real. 
It started this week. Work has been more stressful than usual, but because of my position I have to basically bury it and not let it show. But after an unruly client I wanted to just hunker down in the bathroom and cry. But I didn't. 
 I've also been nesting this week and have been cleaning away and slowly making progress since our house was a disaster during my first two trimester. Well my husband is also a musician and travels a lot so this week he was gone leaving me alone with the animals. We have 2 dogs and a cat. So it's been raining all week and my dogs refuse to leave the porch to go potty. So consequently I'm left to clean up their mess. Not to mention I can barely reach down to clean it up. Then the other night I accidently left the dog gate up in front of the cats litter box so she went on the bathroom matt. Now I can handle dog crap, but if you have ever cleaned up cat poop you will know that it smells awful (please note that I wore cleaning gloves). For the rest of the week I was unable to do some cleaning because my job had worn me out. I basically worked 38 hours in just 4 days. 
Well today is when crap hit the fan. And literally there is crap involved. Since my husband is due to return and he was in the ER during the week for kidney stones while he was out, I decided to finish cleaning the house. I scrub the kitchen, the floors, and I make my way to the living room which has stuffing everywhere because one of the dogs chewed up a pillow and once I move the blanket over I see poop. Yes one of the dogs popped on the couch! 
Well by this point my hormones were over the top, but instead of yelling and getting angry, I cried like a little girl. No joke. After I had thrown the poop away, I sat there scrubbing the couch down with alcohol with big balls of tears streaming from my face and sobbing how a child would if they had lost their favorite toy. I couldn't stop. I threw  the pillows away because I couldn't wash them with the gaping holes and then locked myself away in the bedroom still crying. It was awful. When my cat came in I started crying even more because just the thought of her poop had frustrated me. I felt like my house was disgusting and I wanted to throw out everything and bleach the entire house. 
After I had finally quit crying. I let the dogs back inside and went back to my room. Then I imagined how ridiculous it would have looked of my husband had came home early and walked in the door to me scrubbing the couch balling my eyes out.