Reason why I won't be going 'all natural'

No hate to the women who go all natural and have their babies the way they want. 
However there's a ton of hate on the epidural. I thought I'd share why I personally choose an Epi.
I have a really high pain tolerance. I know I could handle a natural, unmedicated vaginal birth. It's not that I can't handle that amount of pain.
I chose an epidural, and will choose it again for a couple reasons.
The number 1 reason is focus. With my son, I ended up delivering by forcep. I had done no research on it. My epidural allowed me to listen to my doctor, and make an informed decision. I could focus on my contractions as they got closer together, to push on que. my epidural gave me the ability to be a lot more involved in my birthing rather than more along for the ride. I was able to take in and remember everything without being clouded by the pain.
Number 2 is lack of validation. As amazing of an experience as it may be to have a natural, unmedicated birth, it's become much like the vegan joke. Women announcing that they had a natural birth to everyone that'll listen. While, again, it is REMARKABLE because some women just can't handle it (I have no intention of dissing natural birth moms!) I didn't want to avoid an epidural just because
I was looking for everyone to be impressed with me. I had a baby. That's enough. 
And number 3 is a weird one. I'm really small. My epidural lasted quite a while after it was removed, which really reduced the amount of meds I took to recover. I had a 3rd degree tear, and only took 4 doses of ibuprofen total. Which was awesome because I know how addicting pain meds can be.
Again, if natural is for you, DO IT. Do what's right for you, and it's amazing no matter what. But there is no shame in the epidural. You're not weak for having one if you need it. It's Good for more than just contraction pain. Don't let anyone tell you that the way you birth your baby, be it natural, medicated, by vacuum or forcep, or c section, is any better or worse than any other way.