Why does he have to be like this? Just need to vent

So first of all I'm not the type to bash my boyfriend but I'm so upset right now that I just need to vent and it being almost 2am here I have no one to talk to about it. 
My boyfriend (common law) and I have been together almost 10 years. We are expecting our first and probably only baby in July. 
He works mid shift which is 3pm to 11pm and gets home around midnight. Well since I've been off work I've been up when he gets home. Which is fine but lately anything I bring up about the baby he gets right defensive and argues with me over it. 
For example I brought up the TDAP vaccine. I'm one for being immunized and I plan to have my child up to date with her vaccines however I understand when people do not agree with vaccinating. I may not agree with them but I would never push my views on someone else. Well I mentioned the vaccine to him and explained what it was for and even asked my ob-Gyn dr with him there if it was something we should both get and she recommended that we do. So today I brought it up because I was going to call my family dr to see if we could go in to a walk in clinic to have it done. So when he came home tonight I told him (not right away. I waited a bit) that we could go down to have it done and he started complaining and saying he's not going there. I told him the clinic or pharmacy here doesn't do it and he refuses to get it done. I understand that he doesn't like needles but I explained to him that it won't hurt that bad and that he can take an anxiety pill before hand. 
Then I mentioned to him that where he works and the hospital I'm delivering at is only 10 minutes away from each other and he starts going on about it and says "oh well I'm not going there from work" and I said "what if I go into labour while you are at work?" And he replies "you'll have to go alone" and I tried to explain that what I meant was if he's at work and was a call saying I'm at the hospital in labour that he can leave and go straight to the hospital but he claims he doesn't know how to get there from work. I told him I had the directions looked up and if he had a gps (which I plan on getting him one for Father's Day) that he could have the directions all put in and would know how to get there. He was having nothing to do with that and starts yelling at me about it. The thing is is we live an hour away from the hospital I'm giving birth at and his work is 50 minutes away from where we live and he wants to come home if I'm at the hospital and then drive all the way back to the city to get to the hospital just because he doesn't want to learn a new quicker way? It's so frustrating and upsetting. I don't know why he has to be like this all the time. I love him to death and I know he will be a great father but the things he does irks me sometimes. 
If I suggest something and he doesn't agree with it he refuses to even try it and gets all mad and yells about it. But as soon as his mother mentions it he agrees with her. I can't talk to her about this and have her try to talk to him about it because she would either tell him she'll pick him up at work and take him to the hospital if I go into labour (which I don't want) or she'll tell me that I need to work it out with him cause me and the baby are his life now. I'm just so frustrated. I only have about 4 weeks left before my due date and I'm scrambling trying to get things done around the house and I'm the only one doing anything but if I don't do something he complains cause it's not done yet he never says anything when I do get things done. No "good job" or "that looks good"..... nothing. 
I'm sorry this is long and I appreciate anyone who takes the time to read and respond. I just don't know why he's like this and what to do.