
I have anxiety and have been fine my whole pregnancy until now because it's getting real and people are making me so freaking anxious. My BF mom and sister are driving me nuts. I have a 6 year old they treat as their own but this is the first "blood" grandchild and they are overwhelming me because his sister took the week of my due date off of work for the's like woah, back off. Do you think you are going to be over every damn day?! I went two weeks over with my first so don't count on the due date. His mom is off in the summer and told me she's taking her for the day sometimes. Not if I say no you aren't.  I'm going to lose my family isn't close so I'm still not used to how close his family is....anyone else dealing with this?! I just smile and ignore whatever they say for now but when baby is here, I will tell them like it is and my BF better step up and back me. I'm due the 30,BF birthday is July 1. His mom said we can go out for BF birthday if baby is here and I said no I'm not. She asked why, I said because I'm going to be in pain and not want to go out in public. She told me its all in my head....oh that pissed me off. I've been through this before....she said what are you never going out again because you have a newborn. I said yeah but I'm not right away....she continued to tell me no....I just ignored it but my anxiety is through the fucking roof. I have wanted to take my Xanax so bad because of them....I won't because of the baby but this is getting out of hand. My BF should know with my having anxiety I can't just ignore it like he can, I can try but I'm still thinking about it every damn day. He said there is nothing we can do right now, I tell him to set some damn boundaries but he hasn't and get mad I always bring it up. Hello, I have anxiety....fix it now and it will be better for me and you.  Sorry so long....if anyone even read this far 😥😔