I'm losing my mind clearly...

So for anyone that's been following, I retested....excuse my language, but $@&!  😡 in person that 2nd portion of the plus is much more visible. I feel like I'm going crazy...why can't it just be a darker line I used fmu & everything...tmi moment, but I can't even hold it for very long anymore so 3 hours is about as long as these hormones have to make a statement on a test. I'm so frustrated, I'm about to just stop testing for a week, this is test #4....Accuclear 6/2 bfn, Accuclear 6/5 vvvvvfl, frer 6/6 bfn, & now this clearblue. I have digitals, but I don't wanna waste them if  hcg isn't showing up here on the regulars very well. Btw I'm 16 dpo and AF was supposed to be here 6/5, is anyone else out there going through this?? Any advice?