"Only Catholics Do Natural Really" ???

I Attended my first Prenatal class in Mid May I was new 24 weeks . All the ladies except a couple a husband and wife were being rude without noticing just the commentaries being made out of all of them one caught my attention .That day we played a game with topics like musical chairs when the couple got natural birth the man that attended the class said , "only Catholics do natural no epidural no C-sections nothing " I am a born Catholic , but I am a part Spiritualist my mother is a Catholic and has had 5 C-sections so Idk if I can say anything I felt Lil ticked after ,but I felt bad because they said they had a miscarriage because of an epoptic pregnancy so I stayed quiet . This meeting in June is about Labor and delivery and options the hospitals Midwife is attending I am happy because it's my midwife I hope that same man that attended and with his wife will be open minded  think before they talk 😦