36 weeks and depressed

I guess I am here for some virtual hugs and motivation. I have moved to a different country following my marriage and then got pregnant. I feel like I am still adjusting to this change but I have no support from my in laws family. Even now all they want me to do is cook clean sit talk behave strictly according to their family system. Being at the end of my pregnancy and having SPD it is so difficult to move and stay active but still they decided to do all the house renovations now and put me to extra responsibility of taking care of it.. I swear running up and down stairs hurt so bad .. Even if I do it I get judgmental stares .. When a guest comes to visit even they are told to explain me how they were active and doing work when they were pregnant. 
I understand it's very important to stay active but I am doing tht then why everybody at home is doing this to me .. I can't even cry cuz then everyone will make a big issue of that too .. I am really a sad and depressed and losing my confidence in myself .. I just want to cry