Cycle buddy - AF Due 6-25

Hey!!! My name is Jessica!  I have three little girls (9, 6, and 2). I also have three step sons (2 (twins) and 3). I reside in Fort Wayne, IN. But I have lived all over the world. I have 3 degrees, including a Master's degree. And I am a case manage for juveniles. 
My husband and I recently got married and we are TTC#4 for both of us. AF expect on June 25. I'm on CD 12. I use OPK's and chart as well as track cervical position and CM.  I have issues with cysts on my ovaries and have a history of preterm labor, kidney infections, and one preterm birth (34 weeks). My chances are slim, according to my doctor I am very high risk. My cycle ranges from 29 days to 34 days. So, this may cause a few issues with conception. Keeping my fingers crossed. We haven't told anyone close to us we are trying because we don't want to get anyone's hopes up.  
Looking forward to having a cycle buddy to share this journey with!