What do you think?

My boyfriend and I have been "partying" a little to muchon the weekends lately. Now I don't know if I am pregnant or what. We had unprotected sex on the 14th of May. I was more intoxicated than he was that night so the next morning I asked if he had pulled out and he said he didn't even cum.  I had my period on the 12th and 13th of May. (I only get my period for two days. Always been like that) Then we had unprotected sex on the 21st of May.  Again, he said he pulled out. Last weekend, he wasn't sure if he pulled out or not so Monday I took Plan B. According to this app, my period should have came two days ago. Does plan B effect the time my period will come? Do I test after a week? My BC appointment is next week. I understand I shouldn't be "that" intoxicated but we like to have fun. But I also know that even though my boyfriend and I have been together for 6 years we aren't ready for children. HELP!