Crazy women on this app!!!!

I am sooooo annoyed!! I literally got into my first and last argument on this app about MY BELLY! I'm 35 weeks pregnant and doctors have been having me come in twice a week to monitor growth and stress tests since I was 32 weeks because they strongly want me to induce in the next week due to baby and uterus growth stuck at 30cm when it should be 35. So I posted on a status that says "Post if you have a smaller than how far along you are bump" so obviously I posted, end of story..... So I thought! Women come behind me, you don't look smaller, you look 35 weeks.... You are pretty but you don't look small.... I look to see who these women are, they jump on allllll my posts and post negative stuff EVERY TIME I POST ANYTHING! Now it's negativity saying you just want someone to say you look skinny, wtf! I'm 175 how the heck is that skinny! I medically have a small bump and most that see me don't notice I'm pregnant in an everyday t-shirt! I find it funny that I have 3 sisters and a lot of nieces and nephews and I  was able to hide my pregnancy until last month until my sisters noticed, and now I get negativity from people that don't know me or what I'm going through. I'm upset that there are women out here who are pregnant with you that intentionally do things out of hate.
Below are 35 weeks pictures! I'm literally annoyed they chose me out of all the people on this app! When I'm clearly not measuring right. At 175-180 most women are a lot bigger with their bumps! I wish I was bigger! It would save me being induced I'm scared as hell!