HELP! I'm a bit confused. 😩

Today I'm officially 9DPO.. my ovulation was about a week ago.. And next week (6/13) I'm due for AF. I've been experiencing abdominal cramps, and lower back pains on and off almost this entire week. As well as some other random symptoms (sore nipples, hot flashes, dizziness, fatigue) here and there. As well as increased creamy CM (Sorry TMI). Late last night I went to the bathroom and it was very lite pinkish blood on the toilet paper but when I wiped again it was nothing there. Could this mean anything?!! I've never experienced cramping nor back aches (that feel like PMS) until it's actually time for me to come on so this is a bit different. Nor have I have really experienced this other symptoms either. Should I test?! I don't wanna get my hopes up just to be let down.. but these symptoms have my body feeling really different.