Do I leave?

I have been married for a year and a half. Lately my husband and I can just not see eye to eye. I went to school under the impression that he supported me in the decision to do so. I have a daughter (who is not his). She is on summer break so I have been at home watching her while I finish school and find a job. I have a job offer but can not start until I finish school this upcoming week. My husband HATES that I'm not working. He says really mean and shitty things to make me feel so bad. He has been working a lot to pay the bills and I'm great full for that but he comes home and doesn't talk to me, I have to ask for a kiss or hug. I feel like he doesn't want me. And I'm the only one working at this marriage. It's like he doesn't care if I stay or go. Every time I bring up that I want him to want me he blows up. He tells me he is too tired and that I haven't done anything all day. Last night he blew up and told me he wanted a divorce, so i started packing. And then after a while he told me that we should go to bed and talk tomorrow. I don't know what to do this morning, he is at work and I don't know wether to continue packing or just stop. My heart is broken and I'm at a loss.