Mirena month 2: All period, All the time

I got Mirena May 2nd. Super painful, spotting and cramping for ~5 days. Then nothing, it's amazing for a week or two, I have sex a couple times and my fiancé can't feel it. I win! It's a miracle! I don't even spot after sex, which I did a lot on the pill.
Then, I start getting cramps and spotting again. Then I have my period for a week. I think I'm done for a day, then I'm spotting again. And spotting. AND SPOTTING! I've basically been having my period for 3 weeks now. Still only like 1-2 regular tampons or pantyliners a day, but like come on.
In everyone's experience, will I ever stop bleeding? Was getting this 5 months before my wedding a seriously risky move? Halp!