Hasn't been a great week.


Got bad news on Tuesday, Wednesday was told not to worry about it, Thursday while running errands in my Classic car (my husband was driving.) We were T-boned. He saw it coming and did everything he could do to try and avoid it but the guy just pulled out of a driveway anyways. Yesterday we got our house (finally... After wondering if the sellers would actually do what they needed to do.), also we can't move into the house because it will take a week to get our fridge and 2-3 weeks for our furniture. (living in a 500 square foot apartment right now.)

I guess on the upside we are safe and unharmed from the accident, the car is repairable but it isn't running right so I will be buying a cheap car that I can run around in. I really didn't want to run my car that much during summer break but didn't have a choice right now because my husband's truck was in the shop. We pick up our second puppy today. And I am going to see about moving some of our stuff over to the house to get more room here.