In laws are the worst

So, when we got pregnant, my husband and I didn't tell my in laws until 12 weeks because of a previous loss we had. With my first pregnancy, we told them right away and they told EVERYONE. We lost the baby at 7 weeks. 
This time around, when we told them, we asked them not to tell anyone because we weren't ready. We still aren't ready. Im 26 weeks and I haven't even announced it to some of my friends yet. 
Well, now I've found out my in laws have told EVERYONE in their family. Which Is upsetting because we asked them not to and also because they're taking the joy away from us getting to share that information with people. 
Should I say something?
Something along the lines of "I know you're excited about the baby but we would really like to experience the joy of the telling certain people ourselves when we are ready. Please don't tell anyone else unless you run it by us first."