No baby bump

Still no bump with our second baby 15 weeks and 1 day. In my first pregnancy, I was already nice and round by 14weeks. Part of me thinks maybe something is wrong and that the baby may not be growing right. But I know it's most likely all in my head. No cramping or bleeding. Nothing out of the usual. And I can feel the baby moving occasionally. My husband says I may not be showing as much just cause after our son, I started workouts and that I've tightened my stomach muscles up and it's harder for my uterus to pop out. Which makes since I guess. But my bloat has absolutely no problem popping out. I can't even drink water without looking 6 months pregnant. And it takes forever to go back down. I just really want my baby bump back. I'm all about those baby bumps! The bigger, the better. But I guess I should just be thankful for a healthy pregnancy. But I'm sure we all have our complaints and worries. My husband is tired of hearing about it so I have no one but Glow to rant to lol.