Am I being over dramatic?

Since I have been pregnant my husband has basically been up my butt about everything health wise, like he won't even let me drink a cup of coffee. Yet tonight while we are visiting his parents he is getting shit face drunk and making me feel guilty because I don't want to go hang out on the patio with him and his drunk family. I told him very nicely that since I can't drink I don't want to be around a bunch of drunk people, that's not my idea of a good time. Yet every 5 seconds he is texting me telling me to come outside, and is now getting his sister to text me non stop too. Like I am tired, I don't feel well, and I'm getting so pissed off that I am just ready to turn my phone off. And it annoys me even more that he won't get off his ass and come talk to me, instead just blows my phone up. I'm probably just being over dramatic but I needed to vent 😡😡