Confuss! ๐Ÿ˜ฃ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ฅ

So today at 12am I started getting this really bad pain in my left middle back so I was like ookay, all just sleep it off since I was exhaust from walking all day that day my husband took me to the mall Lol n e way at 3:30 OMG it was so painful I starting cramping in my lower belly I ran to the bathroom had a few lose stools. I tried going to bed but it was so bad OMG I called my husband there was no way he could come home earlier so I said OK when u get here we're going to the ER I called first she said yes go in at 8am was in OB triage oh this hole time I thought OMG I have a a really bad UTI or kidney infection they did blood, urine, ultrasound in my kidneys, ivs, medicine, and while being monitor they said you are contracting! So that said the doctor said either this is ur body getting ready for labor which are sighns or it's an infection. So at 3 pm she comes bk and said nope everything came out perfect no infection no kidney infection or stones in there, no uti but u are contraction no dilition at all no water braking or blood but still contracting so I tell her I have cramps that come in go n my back she said it's normal come bk if there the sighns of labor water breaking pain in my stomach that are like a pattern or any other siriouse stuff what should I do just wait it out even this I still feel irritated in my back?