I don't see it, can you?

So let's see, details: I'm NEVER late first off, AF was supposed to be here 6/5 and I haven't had any spotting. Today is 21 dpo. I have SO many symptoms screaming pregnancy it's insane..acne, different bumps than I'm use to getting on my period; I'm SO hungry, hot sauce has become my go to; literally crying over nothing...last night was the first really bad moment for this I cried on my way home (40 minute drive) because of a Miley Cyrus song...yes people Miley Cyrus 😅 then telling the boyfriend once I got home I cried all over again and kept crying I had to tell him to stop looking at me! Not to mention the other night while @ work (I work @ a prison) I happened to see a baby affected by the Zika virus on the news...my boss looked at me like I'm losing my mind. Then we have the really tmi not so pretty nausea, constipation, and I wouldn't say sore breasts..but their slightly sensitive..the real confusion is that they're somewhat bigger, not much at all, but enough to where my boyfriend noticed. Anyway I'm still awaiting bloodwork results they should be here by Tuesday evening, but the pictures...(different angles/lighting, but only 2 tests) 👶🏻✨

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