Back pain 😭

I was involved in a minor car accident at the age of 16 and ever since then my back has been messed up. I never went and got it checkex out. Then at the age of 20 I was working in a factory lifting a heavy bag of something and felt a pop in my back. My boss then talked me out of getting it checked out. When I got home if I took a step with my right foot I collapsed to the floor. I couldn't walk for the rest of the day. After that it would only hurt if i stood for too long or would lay in bed too long. Now I'm 22 I'm almost 8 weeks pregnant and it seems to hurt all the time no matter what I do. Is there anything I can do to relieve any of the pain? I usually use icy hot patches or a heating pad but idk if I can use them. I take tylenol but that doesn't put a dent in the pain. I'm desperate for some relief.