Waist trainers

Does anyone know how soon I can put a waist trainer on I'm on second day PP? 
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I plan on waiting the 6 weeks before using my waist trainer, but until then I'm using my woven wrap carrier to use for belly binding. It's almost the same practice as a waist trainer only it works a little more gently to allow your muscles to heal while your organs are moving back into the correct areas.


Crysta • Jun 14, 2016
There are several different kinds to choose from, mine is made by Natibaby you can buy directly from their website but they tend to be on the expensive side, I bought mine off of vonvavoom.com it's located overseas but amazing quality.


Kie • Jun 13, 2016
Hi! Could you post a pic of it and where you got it from? I'm looking for one


Posted at
This is what I'm using 


Crystal • Jun 13, 2016
That's the exact same one I have


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Well as I finished writing my question my doctor had walked in and said its best to wait 4-6 weeks just because your insides of your belly is still trying to go back together A belly band is ok as long as it's not tight but the waist trainer is have is a steel bone corset so I have to wait 


Crystal • Jun 13, 2016
Even if it is steel bone? Like that waist trainer sucks the hell out of my stomach lol


Kayla • Jun 12, 2016
I wore mine straight after baby.. If anything it helps heal everything where it needs to go!! The next baby I didn't wear one and nothing healed right.. This was baby number 3&4 when healing comes slower! Number 5, will go on after hospital, asap


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I asked my doctor, and he told me (for myself) that I can put it back on as soon as she is out. 


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My midwife told me as soon as I want to but I think I may wait a day at least 


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As soon as you can. And for as long as you can.I couldn't sleep with it. But started using it the day I got out of the hospital.


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I'm planning on putting mines on as soon as I'm able to move around and shower, that's if I don't have a c section 


Chauntelle • Jun 13, 2016
It's from this shaper website.


Crystal • Jun 12, 2016
Which one are u using ?


Posted at
I have a belly fat burner not to tight .. Plain on warring it out the doctors straight after birth 😊