Need advice 😥


Well I went to sleep last night fighting with baby dad we don't live together .

But I woke up with all these texts talking about me with another nigga stupid bitch that and stupid bitch this . which is an issue for me because that is beyond disrespectful and he knows I have an issue with all that shit that he just said to me . and then on top of hat while I'm sleeping he posted on my fb wall something like go with with that nigga stupid ass bitch idk . Like I.know he gets mad when I go to sleep while were fighting but sometimes the fight isn't worth it to me ... But then I go on his snap chat and seen this picture below

And now that that really ticked me off cus it has an @ .....

So he's always so worried about me cheating ... For his own insecurities... Because never in a million years would I need or want anyone but him but I always get accused of cheating when I've found him texting another girl .. So I the one worried of cheating but I'm not.I trust him but then he posts this ?

And im so beyond heart broken ...

Am I wrong for just wanting to be done ?

I want the baby to have his last name

And now I'm not sure ..

I even wanted to give the baby his complete name if it was a boy

Idk what should I do ?

I'm 13 weeks and 3 days

I'm 19 and turning 20 next month I.just got fired from the job I've been at for two years I haven't finished college yet I'm going into my third year ..