Seriously? 😡

My bfs mom is really starting to make me mad. I invited my boyfriend to come to a football game and BBQ with my family on Thursday. He said yeah and that was that. Well his brothers birthday was on Tuesday so they went yesterday as a family to an amusement park to celebrate. Cool whatever. Well today she decides she's going to have a dinner for him as well even though they celebrated yesterday. Now I could see if this was a party for his friends and all their family but its just for my bf, his brother, mom, and sister. I don't understand the point of her celebrating again. If she didn't know about our plans I wouldn't really be bothered. But I was there when my boyfriend called and talked to her about it and he checked to make sure nothing was going on. So now he may not be able to go all because she wants to celebrate again. This kind of stuff is getting old. Last year for his sisters birthday, she blew up on him because THE DAY BEFORE her birthday he went with me and some friends to a concert. He was still there to celebrate but she was livid that he wasn't home the night before? Idk...