Bm no more drama?


So usually my boyfriends bm is rude and disrespectful. We've had numerous arguments in the past but no physical altercations. I've tried to put my pettiness aside for the sake of the girls but she would just kept going. A girl can only take so much so I lashed out back at her. We are trying to have kids and want this resolved before then, because I want the girls to know their siblings. Today she messaged me and apologized and was telling me we have got to the point where we need to respect eachother. She started telling me the girls love me and they need their father and we can't have this. I apologized but something tells me she may not be sincere. Should I still keep my guard up ?
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Always keep your Guard up.


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I would keep your guard up. I also have a bm and we do get along very well but I will never bring down my guard. I would accept that she apologized but don't let it fool you. Be cordial with her but make sure not to fall for anything 


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From my experience its always best to keep your guard up. Ive been doing this for 6 years and our bio mom is off and on. Some months she is high confilict and others she is really nice. I learned right away what kind of person she was after the first time i met her. She told people i was so nice and she really liked me and the same day she was texting my SO talking about how im not very involved in their daughters life. Little did she know that i had been very involved for 3 years already. She wasnt aware of our relationship until close to the 2 1/5 yr mark. She still does stuff like that. We can be nice and cordial for daughter when we have to be around each other but thats all it is. She will never be a friend to me.


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Yes, I would keep my guard up but continue to be kind