Dilated at 36w4d 😐

Keshia • Momma of 2 ❤️
Hey momma-to-bes!! So I'm freaking out.. I am 36 weeks and 4 days And was having tightenings in my belly yesterday so I went to the hospital and turns out I am 3cm dilated , the doctor was going to keep me in if I didn't live near by, (but I do). I guess I could stay 3cm for another couple weeks , or I could just go at anytime? This sucks because it's like a waiting game at this point .. Is anyone else going thru the same thing ?? Idk what I should be doing should I be on bed rest? Or just go about my days as normal.  I would love for her to keep on cookin a little while longer.. But you never know , she'll come when she's ready and that's just that! 😳😐