Should I dump him?

So about a month ago, my (jerk) boyfriend told me about how his friend would be staying over with him. This friend is a girl so I naturally asked him if he'd be sleeping in the couch and her in his bed....
He said he was planning to share the same bed!
I told him several times before this friend came to see him, and reminded him on the day, that I was not ok with them sharing the same bed and he promised me he'd sort something out, or come to stay at my place, but in the end, he shared the bed!!! 
Is it just me or is that really not ok??? I guess I believe him when he says they didn't touch each other but even so.....
My bf has always been insensitive and selfish on lots of other issues too and I feel like the lack of respect he's given me this time round is the final straw!
Thank you for your thoughts!