Hi I'm Kim


I'm Kim. I live in KY and I have one child by birth, it took 5 years for me to have her and in the end I had to do iuis, after having to go threw 6 months of my system being stopped and restarted.

My new husband doesn't have any kids of his own. We have been trying for over 6 months and then last month I had a chemical pregnancy and now we are trying <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a>. I had my first treatment on Thursday 6/9 and I'm due to take my test on the 6/25 I really wish I had some one to talk to about this. My family is old school "don't trust drug to do what your body can do for its self" and my friends have lives of their own and I don't want to bother them with my problems. My husband feels like its his fault we have been having problems. I don't want to make him to feel worse by adding to his stress. Please help, I feel so alone with this.