Totally Shaking My Head....


Ladies, Ladies, Ladies.... we are all special and beautiful and intellegent. Please realize that... This is an open page, with PUBLIC dicussions.

All in all, if you ask for advice and you get real advice (yeah you may not like it) but you asked... YOU ASKED. I just spit some knowledge to a young girl of the same situation I was in before and this chick cursed me out for being real and trying to help. Well hell, if you can't take constructive criticism (especially from someone older and wiser) then do not open your mouth on here.

I thought ladies had more respect for ladies and karma. We are all here because we want growing families and we are all sharing feelings and questions so if you only want the gum drop, sugar plum, fairy tale advice then don't ask real questions if you don't want real answers. Nothing I said was offensive but baby, whoever she was (young) I got cursed out.