Just wanting to give up

Today I am reminded that if we concived when we originally planed I would have a 3 year old but instead I am still struggling to figure out if I will ever have my little joy. My husband has infertility issues and I am going to see a doctor for a second opinion about myself. I want a baby so bad it hurts...but today I feel like giving up. I just hurt so bad today. Sometimes I can't take it and my husband doesn't understand how I feel.
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Posted at
I know how you feel. It literally HURTS. But we CAN'T give up! We can keep each other up and pray and help each other 😉


Felicia • Jun 16, 2016
felicia.deal12 this is is


Felicia • Jun 16, 2016
here is my fb user name m.me/felicia.walter feel free to look me up


Briana • Jun 16, 2016
Didn't mean to send that right then 😛 sorry. But yeah. I feel like I have to hide the true pain I'm constantly feeling and put on a fake happy face. I have my fiance of course and hes amazing but it's been harder to open up to him about it lately because of his mom passing, poor thing. He's such a good guy and I just want to give him our dream baby already. Everyone around us including 3 of his close family members just got pregnant. Gosh im rambling lol. Im so sorry. I really don't ever do this.


Posted at
Don't give up. When it happens it will be worth the struggle


Crystal • Jun 17, 2016
look into it. it's a lubricant that helps sperm move easier. it's like $20 might be worth a shot. good luck


Felicia • Jun 16, 2016
no i have never even heard of that


Crystal • Jun 16, 2016
have you tried preseed yet? I've seen a lot of ladies have good outcomes with it


Posted at
Stay strong Hun! Your bfp will come and it'll be the best! Try pre seed and other fertility boosters, tons of baby dust for you!! ✨✨✨


Felicia • Jun 16, 2016
Thank you so much


Posted at
I feel you too:( never gotten pregnant and had it stick. I haven't given up yet and no matter what my husband and I want kids weather we have them or adopt them


Posted at
I'm sorry 😔 TTC is the most frustrating yet exciting thing. I just started miscarrying today after getting a positive test on Saturday. It's an emotional rollercoaster stick with it !


Felicia • Jun 16, 2016
omg I am so very sorry! That has to be so very difficult