Frustrated with the U.S.!

As the days get closer, the thought if 12 weeks maternity leave sounds amazing until you hear the UNPAID part. Then I go into stress overload. I've been busting my ass working 50-60 hours a week just to attempt to save money that will cover my bills while I'm on leave. Between stress and my growing princess I'm feeling more drained than ever. My doctor keeps telling me not to stress so much but how am I not supposed to when the thought of me loosing my car and home because I have to take a 12 week unpaid leave, goes through my head much more often as the time gets closer. My husband is away right now trying to finish getting his master's degree. And before anyone judges this, im the one who encouraged him to stay and finish getting his degree even tho he'd much rather be here catering to my every need. He will be home three weeks before I'm due, but he helps me out financially as much as he can but he can only help me so much when he has his own bills to tend to since he's living right outside of his campus and his lease isn't up until September which is the same month that I'm due. This is all so jacked.