Successful Pitocin Induced VBAC (with epidural)!!!


Previous C-section: I went into labor spontaneously. Active labor began right after my water broke at home. I was admitted to the hospital at 4cm. When they came back to check me a half hour later I was at 7cm. Since things were moving so fast I was told I likely would not be able to get an epidural. About an hour later I was at 10cm and it was time to push. I pushed for 2 and a half hours and baby did not come down at all. Eventually his heart rate dropped and my blood pressure went way up, c-section it was.

On 6/15/2016 I was scheduled for an 8am induction. I arrived at 3cm 60% and was told I was having some contractions on my own, just not very strong or regular. Pitocin got started at 9. I started at level 2 and was to go up by 2 at set times and then double from 8 to 16. My awesome nurse noticed my contractions were very regular and good quality so she kept me at 8. I had gotten an epidural at about 2pm. I was at 4cm 95% when I was given the epidural. About an hour later my water was broke. As I sat in the bed, I could feel some STRONG tightening in my abdomen and told my husband I might already be in transition. Sure enough, at 3 I was checked and was 8-9cm no cervix left. The nurse sat me completely upright and had me put my legs in a butterfly to labor down and get the pelvis open. I did this for about an hour and a half, then I began to push when my doctor got there. After an hour of pushing, my son arrived at 6:03pm! I found out from my husband that the highest level i went to on the pitocin was a 10, 32 was was originally set to be my max, glad my body responded well and that wasnt needed. BEST BIRTH TEAM EVER!! My doctor and nurses were so encouraging and throughout the final stage. They were even funny between contractions, we all would talk and it was so relaxing. The doctor also brought over a mirror so I could see what I was doing, which helped me A TON! I am someone who needs to see progress, and it worked so well. I hope this helps someone else who might be feeling the same anxieties I felt beforehand, knowing all of the bad pitocin stories out there. If you have a great team working with you, you can most certainly do it!!! I could not be more thrilled with how my birth went this time around! :)