What to expect

Hollie • Currently expecting my rainbow baby😍
I feel silly asking, but I have no where else to turn. My doctors won't answer anything and all of my friends/family have been fortunate enough to bring all their pregnancies full term.
On Wednesday, I went to my first ultrasound appointment, excited to see what should have been my 7-8 weeks along baby, but instead I was informed it had stopped growing about 5 weeks and I was showing early signs of a MC. My doctor did blood work, scheduled blood work for yesterday and an ultrasound next Wednesday AND THAT WAS IT! He didn't say I was losing the baby (I guess he really can't until after my hcg levels are evaluated and another ultra sound) but he didn't tell me anything about what to expect in case I MC. And by that afternoon I was bleeding, about a normal a period amount, and passing big clots. It's been 4 days and I thought, since the bleeding appeared to be coming to an end, everything would be good, but instead, I've been up for 2 hours in unimaginable pain... I feel like I should have cramped in the beginning because at this point I'm only leaving a quarter size amount of blood in my pad and only little tiny clots, if any... Why is the pain hitting me now? What should I be doing or not doing? And what can I do to get over this? From feeling better to not getting emotional when I see my pregnant friends or seeing people with newborns? I just need someone to talk to because I've seriously never felt as alone as I do now.