Josie • Cosmetologist ✂ Nature lover🌲🌻 NLB♡ Matix Roy💙Sienna Colleen🌸 & baby due May 20th
My doctors office called and told me my insurance has not gone through yet, and my 20w ultrasound is on the 21st. Its 200 $ out of pocket, which me and my man dont have any problem paying. However his mom told him that its a waste of money and "unnecessary"? Which is irritating? Im a new mom. I feel its 100% necessary obviously theres a reason doctors do it right? Little background story. My babys dad almost died in her belly. And he had an older brothet that was stillborn. She would of known there was something wrong if she would of gotten her anatomy scan. I dont know how to feel/approach the situation. I dont want to be disrespectful. But Its my baby, and Im tired of her advice.