Mother issues...

This is kind of long so I apologise. I'm 18 years old and am currently completing year my last year of high school in Australia. I have a younger sister who's 15 and she is horrible and nasty, she tells me to kill myself everyday calls me names and anything else you can think of. Here's where my problem lies... I have always considered myself a kind person , I'm not nasty and I'd do everything my parents asked and I never broke the rules I followed them and earner my parents trust on the other hand my sister broke every rule, lies, sneaks out, drinks, has sex ect. My mother and I have always had what I'd consider a good relationship I could tell her nearly everything. I have always not been her favourite but it wasn't noticeable. Towards the end of last year she started to get horrible towards me. (Here's just a few examples) 1- she talks about me behind my back to my sister and my father, my sister then throws it in my face later and I here them talking when I'm in bed. 2-I used to clean her house all the time whenever she asked and she's call me lazy or tell me it wasn't good enough (I'd clean more then her) so after over a year of that I stopped doing things for her. 3-when I was younger I played a lot of sport I was the fit one in the family, not to be horrible but my sister didn't/doesn't try at anything so she gained weight at a young age. I've never missed out on anything but my mother made me quit my job to "focus" this year. Here's where the issue is... Because I was good at sport at 12-14(I had to stop due to medical issues and they put money into it (mind you it was only
Basketball not horses or anything) she buys my sister what ever she's wants and I still live at home and she doesn't mbuy me anything she constantly throws it in my face that when I was her age I got she has, which isn't exactly true my sister get clothes constantly because she keeps gaining weight. 4-due to studying and being so overly stressed I've gained weight this year enough for some of my clothes not to fit (I'm working on it arm) she won't buy me any new clothes and calls me fat to my sister, my mother and sister are heaps bigger then me and they say that about me. 5-At the moment I'm really struggling at school I'm tired all the time and have no energy and my grades aren't so good. She puts heaps of pressure for me to do good this year but tells my sister that she doesn't have to finish high school, I know I'll be better for it but she gets shitty with me because I don't study enough (I have 9 studies a week at school) and my parents have has meeting with my sisters teachers and she's failing because she's lazy a downy do work in class and she doesn't cope it at all. They are just a few things that she does. My boyfriend see's how she treats me and what I'm turning into because of this. I'm not as nice anymore, I don't do what they ask even if I did she'd still treat me badly. (Already tried) if I confront her about any of it she tells me to fuck off or grow up. She believes she doesn't favor. Please be honest and tell me if its normal or maybe I'm being spoiled, I just don't wants ist a bias option from my boyfriend. I'm trying to go to university next year, I know it's not exactly what I want to do but it's my escape from this I know to some people it doesn't sound bad but living like this everyday can get really heavy and drag you down. Thanks ladies 

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