Unpopular opinion..

So I'm all for breastfeeding in public. I'm not a mom and don't plan to be for a bit but I get it, breastfeeding is a natural and sometimes necessary process. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying breastfeeding in public is not right. If you need to then do it. But what I'm totally not for is the women who are staging breastfeeding sit-in protests and having photo shoots of them breast feeding their children just to garner attention (not garner attention to their breasts! Just to garner attention to the act of breastfeeding and then complainin when people say something!) It's obnoxious and unnecessary. You can breastfeed your child in public without making a spectacle of it. If everyone stopped making it a huge deal then it wouldn't be a huge deal. Please by all means feed your children in public but please also don't try to make a mountain out of a mole hill by seeking attention for doing so. 
I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for this though and that's fine. I look forward to hearing opinions.