What helped you?


So I'm starting to think that there maybe something wrong with me. I have been ttc for sometime now. I have tried in previous relationships before the one I am in now & no luck.

The guy I'm with now wants a baby just as bad as me. We both know that he is very fertile. He has 3 kids already. Two were favors for lesbian couples when he was younger. He tells me all the time that he got all those women pregnant within 2-3 times of having sex. We have been trying for months & nothing. I had a feeling that this would happen to me. I want a baby more then anything. It brings tears to my eyes when I think about it.

What are somethings that you have bought over the counter or off line that has helped you to conceive?

Or...what are steps that I need to take next? I'm not sure what to do or where to even begin. I always thought I would just get pregnant one day, never thought I would have to seek help...

Please comment with helpful tips. Thank you in advance!