
So I just need to rant. I'm 22 with a 2 year and 10 weeks pregnant. Most of my friends do have kids. My SO works long hours and usually pretty late. I work during the day. My best friend lives an hour away but is in town all the time but never makes an effort to see me or make plans and if she actually does she never shows up and I have to call her and she makes an excuse. I don't like going to her house because I don't particularly agree with her husband on things. Lately when we are together she talks about their financial struggles constantly but she lets her husband do whatever. He stays home with their one year old while she works full time. They bought a new car so he could go back to work and he still hasn't. And she makes excuses for him. My other friend is super hard to get ahold of and when we do hangout she always bails early. My child hood friend is a recovering addict in a bad relationship and lives maybe a little over an hour but I'm not willing to travel to where she lives due to the people and conditions. I feel like I have no one to relate to or talk to. I'm always home alone after work and in my days off.