Funny story (involving pee lol)

So I was at the mall when I suddenly had to pee, which is becoming a much more frequent occurrence as my tummy and baby grows. So I walk in and another woman, clearly much more pregnant than me and looking about to pop, rushes by me for a stall. She slams the door shut and is clearly frantic. I take my time and get to my stall, and just sitting down when I hear about a teaspoon amount hit the water next to me. Literally a few drops. There's a silence, and suddenly, she loudly yells, "That's it?! THAT'S what you had me run in here for?!"

I try to hold back but in that moment it was just the funniest thing and I cracked and laughed loudly and she laughed with me. Afterward when washing our hands she noticed I was pregnant and said to just wait, it'd happen to me to. Just wanted to share it, funny mom moment haha. Hope ya'll are having good night/day!