What is the worst apartment you've lived in while pregnant?

Kayla • Momma of an angel baby, 1 boy and due August 2020 💕
I am almost 11 weeks pregnant and my apartment makes me want to cry out of anger and sadness. Tell me about the worst apartment/neighbors you've had I bet I can top that haha!
Let me start with my apartment I am currently living in. My husband and I saw the ad in the paper and called to go and look at it. The lady called us back and said we can come and look at it and when we did they were "working" on it and said they they can only show us the bathroom and really fast the bedrooms because they are "working" on the upstairs so we didn't think anything of it and signed the lease. Moving day I am upstairs and I go to hang up my wedding pictures when I see brown stuff running down the walls, called the landlord and was told it was Nicotine dripping from the walls and should come off after I wash them. At this point I feel disgusting and I start deep cleaning our apartment and when I got to the bathroom I opened up the medicine cabinet and find a belly ring with what looked to me dried blood. We already put money into our house and we can't break the lease so we just stuck it out. 3 weeks living here we start to get what looks to be a rash I called the landlord and she states that there was bedbugs but has been cleared for 4 months but she will come and look at the rash. She very rudely comes to our apartment grabs my arm and says nope not bedbugs it must be your celiac disease flaring up. I started to get extremely sick and went to my doctor and they confirm that they are indeed bedbug bites and that I am very allergic to their spit. So I flip my king bed while my husband was at work and what do I find! Bedbugs! I taped one on paper and blocked off our room so they do not spread through the whole house. Finally the lardlord sees it and then tells us it must of came from our house before we moved in. Now I knew that wasn't true because we lived with his parents and they had none! We slept down stairs and waited for pest control to spray. They showed up and we have to wait outside for two hours and this is when we learned about our lovely neighbors! Husband and wife openly says they are alcoholics and drug addicts, who says that! I thought they were pulling our leg we've seen it. To put the icing on top our fridge, cold water knob disconnected from the pipe and our toilet broke. Oh did I mention we've only lived here for four months? Sorry for the long post!