After Coming Out To My Mom

Ka`Nijah • Chapter 15? C/o`19🎓 I`m Nothing Like The Rest👣
Well that day finally came and I told my mom about me and my girlfriend. Sad to say is that she not my girlfriend anymore.😭she decided to continue messing with her “FirstLove”. It breaks my heart see how she turned her back on me AFTER I told my mom I liked girls. My ex girlfriend acts like she doesn't care about the situation but she still texts me. Should I leave her alone and ignore her or still stay in contact with her? She's the only person I want and if it's not her I don't want anyone. I've been trying so hard to get her back😔I've been arguing with her FirstLove/ NEW girlfriend, almost every single day and it's frustrating because what am I going to tell my mother now😱😱 Please comment and help me out