Internal examination @35 weeks?

Girls are your docs doing internal checks on you all at this stage? I'm in Houston and my doc hasn't checked me internally since I was in two weeks ago for possible labor- turns out I had a 24hr bug and was dehydrated but if I hadnt gone in, I don't know when I had a cervical check - my last appointment was last thursday and she gave me the group b strep swab, but no check for dilation & thinning... 
I thought I would be checked every time this close.. For my first pregnancy Im almost sure I was.. They also weren't half as busy as they seem to be this time around. 
My next appointment is next wednesday, and I assuming its then a weekly appointment until we set a date for inducing.. My due date is the 22nd July. I'm 35+4 right now.. :) 
I'm probably fine and the doc obviously doesnt feel the need to check.. Just wondering anyway.