BFP after 13 months!!!

Holly • 31 year old lover of Jesus and wife of man. Baby #5,due 7/19

I said that when I got my BFP I would post what I did or didn't do different.

First of all I understand. For 12 months I waited for those fertile days. BD when it was time, took pills and more pills when those didn't work. I have bought pressed, Gretiol, Opkdigital, and sticks, soft cups, Freital Aid. I have felt my cervix almost every day for a year. I can tell you what day my cm is creamy or sticky. I have symptom spotted for a year. A year of examining twings and Brest pain. Hoping my headach would turn to a BFP. Every time I was disappointed. Every time I got to look at my 18 year old sister with 2 kids already and not know if I was going to have one. I was exhausted. So I quit.

And God took over. I know that I will lose some people here, but for those of you who stay I hope you know what I'm talking about. The bible says to" Trust in the lord" and to "Ask and you shall receive." So I did. I've been praying for awhile, but I realized that I wasn't giving all my trust to God. Here I was asking God for a baby and I was not trusting him to do it. I was realing on Preseed and pills to get me pregnant. I was planning on the days to BD and taking tests to see when I should. I wasn't letting God know that I trusted him completely.

So I stopped. I prayed. I poured my soul into my words to God and let him know excaly how much I wanted a baby and I had faith that if it was meant to be then he would make it happen

And he did the first month I quit. On the 13th month.

After all the money I wasted. After all this.. all took was just a little faith and giving up.

I'm finally pregnant. Thank you God!!!