Contractions or just an upset stomach?

So this is my second baby, and you would think that by now I know what contractions feel like 😂. I woke up about an hour or so ago, with my stomach feeling really tight and uncomfortable. I just laid there for an hour, not timing anything mostly cause I'm exhausted and didn't feel like it and it isn't that painful, just uncomfortable.
I've just gotten out of bed to see if maybe I just need to go to the bathroom or not. So far I've gotten the tightening feeling every like 5-10 minutes and everytime it gets tight it feels like I need to go to the bathroom (I get a slight pressure in my behind 😐) . I remember this feeling with my first but that wasn't until my contractions were like 3 minutes apart (the pressure).
Does it sound like contractions or just an upset stomach? I'm going to go bounce on my yoga ball and hope this is the beginning of something. 🙏