Clomid Cycle Buddy - starting CD5, 6/21/16

This is my first time taking Clomid. I am starting today, CD5, 6/21/16. Is there anyone who out there who is starting Clomid today or soon?
A little about me... I'm 28, this will be our first child, I have ulcerative colitis, which is an inflammatory bowl disease, and I had 3 surgeries in 2015 to remove my colon and create a "j pouch" out of my small intestine. I know I have a unique situation and doubt anyone else will have all of those similarities too. All 3 of my surgeries were laparoscopic, so my scar is only about an inch or so long, but it has created scar tissue, which has blocked my right tube. I had a HSG test in May, and my RE said the right tube is stuck in a pocket of adhesions. Ugh!
I live in Houston, TX so fortunately I have access to some of the best doctors in the world. Would love to hear from someone! Thanks!